Libpull Setup

In this part of the tutorial we will see how to work with libpull, setup the server, compile and flash the device.

Clone libpull

Moving back to the tutorial folder previously created we are now ready to clone the libpull repository.

$ cd ~/libpull_tutorial
$ git clone
$ cd libpull

Build the library

The libpull build system is based on the GNU Build system and is currently compatible onlye with Linux and Mac OSX.

ℹ️ We are planning to move the build system to CMake.

To build the library we first need to download the dependencies:

$ ./

The script will download and compile the dependencies, and call the autoreconf program in charge of generating the configure script.

We can now configure the library using:

$ ./configure

Too see the configuration options type ./configure --help.

The previous script will generate the makefiles for the whole project. To build the library just type:

$ make

If the build is successfull we are ready to move forward.

Build and execute the server

Since the update must be downloaded OTA (Over The Air) we need a running server. Libpull currently provides a testing server.

⚠️ The server is not ready for production.

To execute the server you can use the makefile target run_server. It will automatically create the assets, build the server and execute it. Otherwise, to have a better undestanding on the process you can read the Makefile and execute each target individually:

$ make assets
$ make server
$ make run_server

The first target will invoke the script utils/ that will create a new folder called assets and place inside it several files used by the unit tests.

Execute the library tests

If you want to be sure that the library has been built correctly and the can commmunicate correctly with the server, you can execute the Unit Tests with the following command:

make check

If all the tests passes you configuration is correct. If not, you should check the output printed on the server since you may have some network configuration (i.e. firewall) that is interfering with the connection.

If everything works we are now ready to start testing libpull on the device.